
With prices rising as much as they have, it can leave some of us upset and frustrated. Some of those meals that were pricey are even more so. Now, we need to make some decisions..

Creativity and focus on stretching your food dollar skills are quite valuable. If you look at beef prices, it makes one think about that dry-aged steak dinner. Instead of the steak, look at the whole tenderloin or brisket. The initial cost outlay is eye-popping but when you can carve out multiple meals for your family, it starts to make more cents.

Seafood has its challenges too especially for folks not near the coasts. My suggestion is to look at those other options you commonly skip over like monkfish, tilapia or trout. Learn how to cook them and you can find some great recipes. The humble mussel is pictured here. They were $3.99 a pound at my local market. Pretty decent price if you ask me.

If you lean toward more vegetables in your diet, it is easier to save a few dollars but you likely have noticed, availability has been spotty along with some price increases. Quite a challenge these days. I even started my garden up again…

As a member of Nosh Nation, you have the skills and desire to create something and cook great. I know you can find a way or just reach out to us here. We are always happy to help.
