Beet it! Beet it!

We won’t be defeated here at the ‘Nosh! Roasted Golden Beets, let’s go.

1) Trim off the stalks and greens. Peel.

2) On a square foil sheet, put the beet in the middle. Put a peeled garlic clove, drizzle a little oil and sprinkle with a generous dose of salt and pepper. Seal up the packet.

3) Place completed packets on a cookie/baking pan. Put in a 400 degree oven for about 45 minutes or until the beets are fork tender.

4) BE CAREFUL!!! Open up foil packets to let beets cool down. Once cool, slice (to your desired thickness), put on a plate, and sprinkle some feta cheese, parsley and a drizzle of the oil still in the packets.
